Browse Articles By Tag: being depressed
Depression is a state of mind that can really have negative effects on your day. When you start your day feeling depressed, you set yourself up for having a bad day. You do not have to subject yourself to this. (...)
26.09.2013 · From MikeHirst
Depression is not only difficult for the person who has been diagnosed; it is also often very hard for their friends, family members and coworkers. If someone you know recently discovered they have depression, you can be a wonderful support system for them. (...)
25.09.2013 · From MikeHirst
Depression is an awful thing to go through. It not only affects the one person, but it affects the the friends and family involved. One negative result of depression is that you tend not to feel like doing anything. (...)
22.09.2013 · From MikeHirst
It is one thing to be sad. When you lose a loved one, hate your job, put on weight, these are all times when you may feel sad. Even the winter can bring on sadness due to reduced access to the outdoors. (...)
21.09.2013 · From MikeHirst
Depression affects so many people around the world for different reasons and in different degrees. It can be extremely difficult getting a handle on your depression, and it's going to involve your doctor's care and treatment plan as well as how you work towards...
18.09.2013 · From MikeHirst
When you are in the throes of depression, you may not want to exist at all, let alone get out of bed. You can be totally crippled by the way you feel emotionally. All you want is for it to go away and leave you alone. (...)
16.09.2013 · From MikeHirst
For some people, depression is a regular part of their life. Sometimes they do not even realize that they are afflicted with depression. They just accept their gloomy outlook in life as part of who they are. However, it does not have to be that way. (...)
15.09.2013 · From MikeHirst
Depression can take the enjoyment out of your life, your relationships, your job, and anything else that you engage in. When you are depressed, it is hard to just snap out of it. When depression is left untreated, it can get worse. (...)
15.09.2013 · From MikeHirst
Depression isn't just a moment in your life when you are sad. Depression is debilitating, stopping you from enjoying anything in life at all. This is when you need to start working hard on fixing your issues and remedying the situation. (...)
12.09.2013 · From MikeHirst
If you're one of the millions of people who suffer from depression every day, you have probably either thought about medication or are being prescribed medication. Whether you are already taking medication for depression or not, it's important that you know that...
09.09.2013 · From MikeHirst
Depression is something that millions of people struggle with every day. If yours has gotten to a point where you need to see a therapist, then you may be a little scared of what is going to happen. Alleviate your fears by going over the following article. (...)
09.09.2013 · From MikeHirst
While depression can be extremely hard for many people to control, there are some things that can be done to overcome it. We often lock ourselves away and dwell on the negative aspects of our lives that drove us to a state of depression, but that does not mean we have...
08.09.2013 · From MikeHirst
When depression takes over your life, it feels like nothing is going your way. The situation simply snow-balls, getting bigger and bigger until it completely rules your thought process and moods. This isn't healthy, and you shouldn't have to live under such conditions. (...)
04.09.2013 · From MikeHirst
Depression is a serious condition. This is more than just feeling blue about something. Depression affects every aspect of your life. It takes away your enjoyment of things that you used to like. It can affect your sleep and appetite. (...)
03.09.2013 · From MikeHirst
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